#Total drama island tv
The third generation contestants are a guy who talks only in Wacky Sound Effects, a LARPer who is convinced he is an actual wizard, a whiny Neat Freak who thinks he's the Only Sane Man, a song-obsessed teenage girl still in her Princess Phase, a farmboy who hopelessly falls in love with every girl he lays eyes on, a Gentle Giant Australian stereotype, a Crazy Survivalist obsessed with zombies, an obese pageant queen with a white trash upbringing, a self-declared evil genius who only manages to be a Harmless Villain, a bookworm whose polite facade hides a psychotic personality, an aspiring reality TV host whose personal hero is the narcissistic sociopath who runs the show, twin cheerleaders who do nothing but bicker with each other, and a Passionate Sports Girl so focused with winning the competition that she was willing to throw away the boy who liked her without second thought.The second generation contestants are a Creepy Child implied to have supernatural powers, a hipster who Apologizes a Lot, a kid with Split Personalities, a military cadet who's a big softie at heart, a hillbilly with Chronic Backstabbing Disorder, a Jerk Jock so stupid he can't identify others' genders, a super-genius who never talks, a genius Bubble Boy, an overweight gamer geek, a Joisey stereotype obsessed with her hair and spray tan, a compulsive liar who never shuts up, a tomboy who treats everyone around her as expendable fodder, and the most massive Attention Whore to have ever starred on reality TV.And then Season 3 adds the ultimate Loony Fan and a ridiculously suave and talented Latin Lover to the mix. The first season's cast of contestants are a ruthlessly backstabbing Alpha Bitch, a card-carrying juvenile delinquent, a perfectionist Competition Freak Go-Getter Girl, a big fat gasshole, an impossibly stupid Brainless Beauty, a wimpy Mama's Boy built like a brickhouse, a dimwitted party animal, an Iron Butt Monkey guitarist, a Granola Girl who's more coordinated on water than on land, an over-the-top Sassy Black Woman stereotype, a Perky Goth who considers herself the Only Sane Man, an Ax-Crazy Cloud Cuckoolander, a hopelessly dweeby Casanova Wannabe, an awkward geek well-versed in unique skills, the snarkiest and most pessimistic teenager since Daria Morgendorffer, a klutzy Dumb Jock, a homely geek who's Not Good with People, a ridiculously handsome supermodel, a butch Jerk Jock with a Hair-Trigger Temper, two absurdly close Heterosexual Life-Partners, and a hopelessly clueless homeschooled kid.Ridonculous Race Newcomers note Don, Devin and Carrie, Kelly and Taylor, Emma and Kitty, Crimson, Ennui and Loki, Owen and Noah, Mickey and Jay, Stephanie and Ryan, Josee and Jacques, Geoff and Brody, Dwayne and Junior, Sanders and MacArthur, Chet and Lorenzo, Tom and Jen, Rock and Spud, Laurie and Miles, Mary and Ellody, Leonard and Tammy, Gerry and Pete.Coconut, Fang, Larry, Sasquatchanakwa, Scruffy Others note The Interns, Josh, Brady, DJ's Momma, Jasmine, José, Leshaniqua, Sky's Sister, The Killer, The Bear, Bruno, Chipmunk #1 and Chipmunk #2, Mr.Wâneyihtam Maskwak (Confused Bears) note Beardo, Dave, Ella, Leonard, Shawn, Sky, Sugar.Pimâpotew Kinosewak (Floating Salmon) note Amy, Jasmine, Max, Rodney, Samey, Scarlett, Topher.

Toxic Rats note B, Dakota, Dawn, Lightning, Sam, Scott, Staci.Mutant Maggots note Anne Maria, Brick, Cameron, Jo, Mike, Mike's Multiple Personalities, Zoey.New World Tour Contestants note Alejandro, Blaineley, Sierra.Screaming Gophers note Beth, Cody, Gwen, Heather, Izzy, Justin, Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, Owen, Trent.