My house is decorated with Apple gear: iMac, Macbook Pro, Macbook, AppleTV, Airport Extreme Base Station, Airport Express, iPod, iPhone, iPad…I’m predisposed to loving Apple. I first used OS X at 10.0 when my longtime Mac neighbors installed it, I first really got into the Mac in 2002 when I somehow convinced Apple to send me a PowerMac for review, and switched to Mac full time with Tiger in 2004.I followed the 40+ step jailbreak process for 1.0, experienced AppSnap, JailbreakMe, and several flavors of ra1n. I’ve been an avid iOS user since the iPhoneOS 1.0 days.

I’ve owned every model since, thanks to a crafty staggered upgrade plan with my wife, who each year generously permits me to outfit her with the prior year’s flagship device. Secondly, some qualifications: I got my first iPhone about 60 days after release.All would make a suitable enough platform for 99% of users. iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and BB10 all have area of strength and some unique angle. I’m not trying to convince you to switch.I am doing it for this reason: for me, Android is now a better platform than iOS.īefore we get started, some ground rules: Several have done it before, some looking for change or claim freedom, some aiming to save money, some because someone prompted them, some think they may be conforming by going with the ever-stylish Apple. I certainly won’t be the first person to change ecosystems entirely.

Android is maturing with a consistent, system-wide look-and-feel, almost every major service now has an Android app as the counterpart to its iOS-first experience, and has a bright future with wearables, home automation, and more. I’ve been waiting a long time for Android to get to the point that it was fast and responsive enough, with a big enough application warehouse, wide enough support, and a smooth enough experience, to support me. I am taking the plunge and moving from an iPhone to an Android device.