This unstable sense of liberating himself from his repressed urges gave him the feeling that he finally had the power to enact revenge on those who wronged him, perceived or confirmed. Becoming unpredictable, unhinged, and deranged. When he became the Goblin, Norman's fears about himself as well as the vindictive hatred towards his business rivals (both confirmed and perceived, due to his paranoia) he emotionally repressed for a life time took over. He also secretly despised his business partners as well as the rest of the upper class in general, believing them to be weak, lazy and distrustful leeches undeserving of the wealth they inherited, while he worked extremely hard from the bottom up to earn it back as wall paranoid they would take all he worked for away from him. He also liked Peter Parker, alias Spider-Man, as he saw him as the son he never had. Even though he was callous toward him, he did show that he cared about him to a degree. He was an ambitious and overly obsessive man who chose work over his own son Harry Osborn. Osborn initially started off as an uncaring and manipulative, yet troubled, paranoid, disturbed and anti-social businessman, willingly sacrificing others for the sake of his goals. ~ Adrian Toomes foreshadowing Norman Osborn’s nature.

He is widely recognized as Spider-Man's greatest, most persistent and most personal arch-nemesis, even more so than Doctor Octopus and Venom, having been responsible for more hardship and grief in the hero's life than any of his other villains (most notably the murder of Gwen Stacy the first woman he ever truly loved). He is the former head of the multinational corporation Oscorp and father of Harry Osborn, who became the first and most well known incarnation of the Green Goblin after ingesting a serum that increased his physical abilities yet in the process drove him to insanity.
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Norman Osborn, also known as the Green Goblin, Iron Patriot, Red Goblin and various other aliases, is one of the main antagonists of Marvel Comics, commonly as the main antagonist of the Spider-Man comic book series and franchise and as a major antagonist in the Avengers comics. ~ Norman Osborn as the Red Goblin to Spider-Man. There's no killer in you! Now, me? I have that edge! Which is why this shall be my greatest moment of triumph! Finally, the day has come! Behold.
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Afraid of the full power that suit could give you! That's your problem.

HA HA HA! You're outmatched, Parker! Outsmarted, outgunned, and s-t out of luck! And look at you.

~ Norman Osborn at the end of The Night of the Goblin after killing Peter Parker and Mary Jane's baby. I've already won! Take your pyrrhic victory! You have no idea what I've taken from you! NONE! HAHAHAHAHAHA! You think this ends it, Spider-Man? Not a chance! Never! Never! Never! You think you can kill me? You can never kill me! I'm the thing that haunts your dreams - gives you no peace! And I will be back! I will always be back! Besides. ~ The Green Goblin revealing his true identity of Norman Osborn to Peter Parker in The Amazing Spider-Man #39. Take a look, Parker-a good, long look-it's the last face Spider-Man will ever see-it's the real face of the Green Goblin-the face of Norman Osborn! Goblin formula-enhanced red symbiotic costume